AN1MO Hospital, DLSAA COE Chapter and Animosibil to provide makeshift hospital with use of PPVC

Several weeks ago, our De La Salle Alumni Association - College of Engineering Chapter (DLSAA-COE) Board had this wild idea of putting up a makeshift hospital to augment the capacities of existing hospitals. This project was brought about by our desire to help the community in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic knowing that this battle will be a long one.

At the start, we contacted AnimoSibil, our civil engineering alumni group if they are willing to help us in the project conceptualization. After several days of brainstorming, Mr. Jason Ongpeng of AnimoSibil, also one of our CE faculty member, agreed to spearhead the design and its parameters. With the help of family, friends, and fellow alumni, we were able to gather volunteers from various fields, i.e., architects, design and structural engineers, doctors and former DOH officials, quantity surveyors, mechanical, sanitation engineers and others including graphic artists and animation practitioners.

Given the tall order of the project and the limited time of our volunteers, we were lucky to complete the conceptual design and plans for the makeshift hospitals.

Aside from possibly doing a pilot site, our main intention is to provide the design and plans of our makeshift hospitals to interested parties provided DLSAA-COE and AnimoSibil is acknowledged. This can be hospitals, government agencies, LGUSs, civic organizations and NGOS who are involved in similar projects. Supervision and coordination can be facilitated by us, if necessary.

We have received queries from DPWH for a possible collaboration and use of our design should this pass their design and construction time criteria. As of now, this is the best option for us given their ability to procure materials under the Bayanihan Law. Moreover, the Lung Center of the Philippines, given their ever increasing cases of mild to severe Covid-19 patients, has requested us for possible assistance in putting up a field hospital at their parking lot.

In view of the foregoing, we will be releasing teaser/materials of our project to the general public. We have created an FB page,
wherein you can view the project updates.

It is also my request to everyone, to spread the word around by forwarding our teaser/materials to your family, friends, colleagues, organizations who may be able to help.

By the way, we do accept donations in cash or in kind.

Thank you for your usual support.

Noel V. Tanglao (COE Chapter)