Message from the President - July 20, 2020
Men and Women of La Salle,
I am pleased to announce to the community DLSAA’s “baby steps” since the start of president’s term, last June 1, 2020.
We were fortunate to have had our first on-line get together for a virtual retreat on Zoom. The focus was on our Lasallian core values of Faith, Service and Communion. The formation was done in collaboration with the Lasallian Mission Office of DLSU, represented by Ms Carmel Puerto Llano. Moderating the formation event was Br Michael Broughton, FSC.
The Board of Trustees’ 1st Special Meeting on Zoom approved its Omnibus Election Guidelines.
The Board of Trustees’ 1st Regular Meeting on Zoom included new Chapter Presidents from the College of Business, College of Education, and the College of Science. In attendance was Brother Adviser, Br Bernie Oca FSC. An ADHOC committee was initially formed. Known as the DLSAA MISSION OFFICE. It is to coordinate closely with the office of Br Bernie with the intention of helping the DLSAA find more relevance in itself specially in serving its community.
The DLSAA VP and Committee Chairwoman for Membership took the opportunity to present to the BOT its plans and programs. The committee has taken note of additional suggestions from the Board. Its main goal is to streamline the benefits that can be gained for its members.
The BOT also approved the appointment of the DLSAA President as the next Chairman for the Honors and Awards committee. Recommendation was made by the GS-HS Chapter President and longtime adviser to the Honors and Awards Committee. The Committee’s anchor project, the One La Salle Night of Excellence (OLSNOE), is scheduled for 2021.
College of Business, College of Engineering, and the College of Science extended their invitation to the BOT for their forthcoming WEBINAR chapter projects.
1. The DLSAA is in progress with the DLSU Career Services for the DLSU VIRTUAL JOB EXPO.
2. The DLSAA is in progress with DLSU PUSA, creating more awareness for the feline community in campus.
DLSAA continues to express its condolences to its dearly departed members by being up-to-date.
The months ahead will remain just as challenging. It is our prayer that our community continues to remain vigilant. We are confident that the various chapters will be resourceful and find innovative ways to keep their members productive. It will be no easy task. But like all others, we will be resilient.
Live Jesus in Our Hearts, Forever!
Kaloy Velhagen