DLSAA Br. Benedict Awardees

The DLSAA Br. Benedict Award aims to perpetuate the memory of Br. Josiah Benedict FSC (born John Wenceslaus Edward Lidinsky), who virtually single-handedly managed the DLSAA from the ‘60s to the late ‘80s. It recognizes and honors contributions by alumni to the Association or any DLSB-PD school or organization. Honorees must have rendered volunteer, unpaid, consistent, and dedicated service.
Leave blank for all. Otherwise, the first selected term will be the default instead of "Any".
Atayde, Antonio L. Jr.
Atayde, Enrique R.
LSGH GS 1974, LSGH HS 1978, BSC-BMG 1982; DLSAA President (2009 - 2011)
Atayde, Leandro S. III
LSGH GS 1989, LSGH HS 1993, AB-BSM 1996
Beltran, Antonio J. Sr.
DLSAA President (1960 - 1961; 1944 - 1946)
Beltran, Rafael
HS 1918
Blanco, Manuel M.
GS 1961, HS 1965, BSBA 1969, MBA 1971
Bloemen, Br. Alphonse FSC
Brimo, John G.
ACS 1923
Bronowicz, Br. Raymond FSC
Bulatao, Guadalupe
Cagampan, Denny P. III
LSGH GS 1973, LSGH HS 1977
Cebrero, Horacio D. Jr.
HS 1927, AA 1929
Cody, Br. Francis FSC
Connon, Br. Gabriel FSC
Cotter, Br. Gilbert Valerius FSC
Duerr, Br. C. Richard FSC
Felix, Br. Victorius FSC (Masson, Philip Joseph)
Fidelis, Br. Leander FSC (Leddy, Vincent Joseph)
Hebert, Br. Paul FSC
Jose “Boy” M. Kalaw Jr. †
GS 1963, HS 1967, AB 1970
Jose, Guillermo M.
ACS 1925; DLSAA President (1962 - 1964)
Lacson, Simeon
GS 1953, HS 1958
Lambert , Br. Edward FSC
Lara, Tereso D.
ACS 1934
